A unique and safe process for optimal treatment of contaminated materials. RSI has more than two decades of experience with hundreds of thousands of tons of successfully processed material.
RSI Environmental’s services meet the highest requirements in soil remediation and site waste management. The use of its highly efficient technology makes the treatment and recovery of waste from construction sites, residual materials and building materials possible; even when highly contaminated.Application areas
Receive a certificate of destruction;
Turnkey service includes disposal and treatment;
Disposal sites and unrestricted treatment;
No extra fees;
Capable of receiving 4000 tons of soil per day;
Interior warehousing for soil storage available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day;
No charge sorting and reception of soil in safe, negative pressure buildings;
One of the only facilities in North America to use this proven technology;
Definitive treatment solution;
Metal recycling;
Energy recovery from waste;
Only one of its kind in Québec for recycling and recovery of soil;
800,000 metric tons of decontaminated soil;
6,000 metric tons of contaminants destroyed and removed from the environment;
Decontamination efficiency: over 99%;
Destruction efficiency: between 99.99 and 99.9999%.